Thursday, February 4, 2010



Its already the second month of the year already. How time flies... My 'first day of school' rajin-ness is draining out of me. I'm still rajin, I guess. Just less rajin. And I ponteng a little here and there too! :D


I'd like to share a poem with everybody, by my beloved sister.

Three words I yearn to hear from you
You will never say
The hooked bells of them in my heart
chime silently, solitarily
into the void of your silence-
A stark contrast that aches day after day.

I try to hear them in your touch
Your grasping fingers.
I try to read them from your eyes,
Shuttered by lashes, steeped in lust.
Empty; one-deimensional...
Dry as my heart overflows from my eyes.

Three words I yearn to hear from you
I know it is in vain.
The hooked bells jerk. ringing still
defiantly, against my will.
into your silence
Three words are all I have to say : "Lie to me".


I'll share a poem you guys everytime I blog, k? (:


I feel empty. What is life all about?
Emotional day.


1 comment:

  1. OMG!! *squee~* You're sharing my poem! *snuggles*

    Only one nit-picky thing: the formatting matters when it comes to poetry, and you made some typos as well.

    Memory jog:
