Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Did you feel the Earth shake under your feet?

An Earthquake happened. ;O Scary for me. I stay at the 25th floor. If anything falls... =x I didn't feel it of course, I was at school. My parents didn't feel it either. But my mama's friend at the 20th floor said a lot of her stuff fell. Scary.

Anyways, to the main thing today - MY EXAMS! Had Bm 1&2 and Moral today. Bm1 was okay for me. ;p Bm2 was quite hard. Moral can get A. So, overall okay. Moral exam questions always tempt me to write funny answers, and I normally do. HAHH!

Question: Nyatakan 4 cara untuk menyediakan anda untuk bencana alam. (Something like that)
My answer: i. Membina bilik panik di dalam rumah.
ii. Menanam pokok yang boleh menghalang angin monsun di sekeliling rumah.
iii. Memakai topi keleder pada setiap masa.
iv. Hidup dengan tiada kekesalan.
*Buy grand piano to cower under. XD

LOL! Right? XD
I wonder how much marks I'm gonna get? If I get full marks, its gonna be so cool. XD

Bm2 always make me feel so kan cheong. Like I'm racing with time. Should have wore a watch. But no worries. Everything went smoothly. I wrote everything finish and there was still 15 minutes to spare.

Tomorrow is English, Math2 and Siviks.
For the very first time, I'm afraid of maths. I don't feel good about it. Ishh. We can't use calculater too. ):
I need to practise man. Plus, tomorrow I have piano class, I haven't practise. Eeek!
I got to go.

LUCK to everyone.


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