What an action-packed day. I went for koperasi hi-tea in the afternoon and went to leo club smksu/ smk usj8's halloween party at night. Had an awesomelicious time. :D
Koperasi hi-tea was at PJ HILTON. Freaking high class. Suitable for me. Chehh. I was the only person wearing fricking formal. At first I damn paiseh, but got used to it. I felt really pretty. LOL. XD The food was alright, I expected better though. I just didn't get that 'I wanna stay here forever' feel when I ate the food. Had fun playing with the food (ICE CREAM, you people that were there know what I'm talking about. XD) and of course, ss-ing with the food and practically everything else. XD With Charmaine there, of course we'll be ss-ing. XD We ss-ed at the toilet, the fricking huge lift, the mirror, the lift button place, near the swimming pool and the room at the swimming pool floor. LOL. As you can see, we did A LOT of ss-ing. Pictures will be found at Charmaine Yeo's blog (Find at my links) / Her facebook (Type her name in the search box). (: When we were about to leave, the form1s and some form2s wanted to prank at least 1 room. So, they went to some random floor, knocked on the door and ran. Lol. They said it was really funny. Charmaine and I didn't follow them. We are mature...not. Charmaine was afraid the people will sue our school which is such a random thought. Lol. I didn't follow because I suddenly needed to pee. Lol.
The Halloween party was a pretty new experience for me. Before this day arrived, I keep thinking of what to wear and stuff. Damn excited. My original plan was to wrap myself in gauze and be a mummy. But, didn't have the proper skill to wrap. Ended up wearing my dad's all shell uniform which is fricking red and huge (especially at his *ahem ahem* part, I look like wearing some fricking baggy pants or I londeh like kao). Random people were asking me for petrol. LOL. The funniest comment on my costume is this : 'Are you Bob the Builder?' - Michelle or Mabel Wu. Seriously cracked me up. Bob the builder... LOL. XD Nefissa saw me and kept saying I was so cute. That kinda made me more perasan than I am which is kinda impossible but I didn't show on my face. I just show my paiseh face. XD Nefissa was dressed up as a guy which is not really a costume because she's already so guy-ish. Lol. But she looked great, as always. Charmaine wore her black dress and witch's hat with hair. Zheng Hao was supposed to wear his skeleton costume which he bought at KL, but ended up just wearing a mask. He said something about the costume being too hot. AshS was all dolled up as a goth rock chick? Lol. Before the party started, Zheng Hao kept putting his mask on and boo-ing me. It works every single time. Lol. The party didn't really kick off until the part where they offed the lights and pumped up the music. Everybody got hyper and started dancing or more appropritely, jumping around. And it looked so cool because everyone was wearing glowsticks. I jumped around with Zheng Hao, Wei Phern, AshS, Charmaine, Nefissa and Ashley Tan. It was amazing. Never danced in the dark before. :D We were all like jumping around in a circle. And jumping around the room. Lip singing the songs that were playing. And working the glowsticks in different different kind of ways. We were in the zone, man. Lol. Later in the night, Ashley and I were like holding hands and swinging each other. And I just fell and rolled on the floor, laughing. Literally, ROFL. XD Didn't know what really happened, I just fell. Got bruises. But it was fun. XD The night ended pretty early - 2115 hours. But mostly everyone was already worn out from that 'exercise session'. Lol. Had a great time. Pictures will be found somewhere in facebook. Try searching 'leo halloween party' in facebook or something. Lol.
Can the person holding the remote control of this world please press the repeat button on this day?
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